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Why Is Fall Landscape Maintenance So Important?

Why Is Fall Landscape Maintenance So Important?

Fall is officially here, and that means that the weather in Pensacola and the Gulf Coast might finally cool down a little. As the weather turns more comfortable, it’s important to consider maintenance for your landscape in the fall. Fall landscape prep plays an important roll in how well your landscape will bounce back after the winter months, and unfortunately, it’s often more difficult than just raking up leaves.

At The Wallace Company, our Pensacola landscapers can provide you with high quality landscape maintenance services to help you keep your landscape in the best condition year-round. Our fall landscape maintenance services are some of the most important services that we offer, and we look forward to helping you get your landscape ready to survive the winter and thrive in the spring.

Here are a few of the reasons that landscape maintenance in the fall is so important:

Plant Diseases

It’s important to remember that most diseases can survive the winter within infected plant debris. Diseases can persist in the soil, in fallen leaves, or in dead branches that remain on the plant. Our professionals try to minimize the amount of diseases that survive through the winter by removing all of this debris before the winter months begin.

New Perennials

If you’re interested in adding new perennials to your landscape, October is the ideal time to plant them. The cooler temperatures will provide an ideal climate and less strain, so the plants will be able to more easily establish themselves over the winter months. Our professionals can help you select new flowering bulbs and plant them properly so that they’ll be ready to thrive once the spring months arrive.

Winterizing Your Sprinklers and Irrigation System

Winterizing your irrigation system is a critical part of fall landscape preparation that is often overlooked. In the Pensacola area, we don’t typically have very harsh winters, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t cold times during the winter. If there is any water in the lines of your irrigation system during a freeze, your sprinkler heads and pipes will crack. Our landscapers will flush out and shut down your irrigation system during our fall maintenance services.